Get organized, Get it done, and Get on the water

BoatProject is everything you need at your fingertips:

Keep track of your projects

The reality is that there are always projects on a boat. Keeping track of those projects shouldn’t be the chore. Take pictures, jot notes, whatever you need to do so you can prioritize, research, and keep your boat in ship-shape.

You can even assign tasks to others: co-owners, crew members, and vendors.

Utilize resources from other boat owners

BoatProject members help create templates and share best practices. The boating community is strong. If you’re just starting out, these templates will help you identify projects and tasks that you might not have known about. If you’re a seasoned sailor, utilize your own custom templates year after year or draw upon the knowledge of others as these best practice reminders and easy organization strategies will help keep you doing what you love to do.

Store your Information so your boat docs, specs, and service logs are all readily available

When did you last replace the fuel filter? How often should you replace it?

What type of pump did you last use? Where did you get it from so you can buy it again?

Store your information in BoatProject so you can easily access all your boat documents, specs, service logs, and past project information. It’s helpful while you’re on the boat to be able to order a new part right from your fingertips but it’s also handy so that while you’re out and about, you have access to all pieces and parts of your boat.